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I had thought that in the next couple of years I would surely be promoted to a vice president's position when one opened up. Now that I am dressing like a slut, and starting next Tuesday I am afraid I will be made to do slutty things at work, I have to wonder if my future is ruined as well. I realize that I am just a slut now. But I am a good worker. I have worked hard and put in place a lot of innovations that have made our office a leader in our field. Is all that over now?"Steve answered, "Everyone at the home office is aware of what a good job you have done over the years. When they sent me here they recommended that I make you my assistant, or at least rely heavily on your skills. Things will change for you at work now, of course. You are going to find yourself sucking and fucking people that you never would have before I arrived. On the other hand, as long as you keep doing the job that you have been doing, I will see to it that you get that promotion. It may come with some. She lowers her hand and I, acting on pure instinct,place mine inside of hers. Competitively, mine is tiny, andwhen she closes her fist I can see nothing past my wrist. Whyis she so huge? I wonder, or why am I so small? She leads me out of the dark room into a brightly lithallway. My barefeet make tiny, padded noises as I struggleto keep up with her giant strides. We pass other rooms, allpainted the same, blistering white that coats the hallway fromfloor to ceiling. Light falls from long, shining tubes of whiteness andreflects off of every surface. It is bright, sterile and unnatural. An inhumane, cruel corridor, but it is so very human in itsessence that I hardly notice the hellish evil that radiates fromevery facet. The hallway seems to wind into infinity, stretching ina limitless, unblemished line, without breaks for windows orside passageways. How far the pair of us travel, I don't know. But eventually we turn into one of the countless doors thatgrace each side at.’s got all the steamy content to keep you coming back for more. Stream Slut Housewife mp4 porn for some of the best sex scenes you’ve ever seen anywhere online. No matter your urges, has got you covered with Slut Housewife mp4 porn porn.


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