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...unsatisfied! It was all so confusing!So imagine the inner turmoil when, knees sore and palms dirty, Batmanwiggled into the clearing he now thought of as "home" and was greetednot by Green-Man, but by a familiar dark-haired, well-dressed.... BruceWayne!"Surprised, Girlie?" the disguised Green-Man held up the precious flowergarlands and grinned down at the shocked superhero. "That's right, isn'tit....you haven't seen a newspaper or a TV broadcast in quite some time,have you, poor thing! Well, perhaps I'll just let you off with aspanking this time. Crawl across my lap here and I'll explain."Flushed with a dizzying sensation of unreality, the nude nemesis of evildraped himself obediently over his arch-foe's lap, his bouncing hootershanging like delectable punching bags, and proffered his big, pinkfeminine bottom to be spanked."You see,"SPANK!Green-Man spoke like you would to a child, or a dim-witted girlfriend,even as he smacked pain into Batman's bare behind,"Once I found your utility. She was in a large room, a huge room full of cages that looked rather like the animal cages in children's book versions of zoos or circuses. The difference was that in most of them there was a dejected looking woman, naked. Simultaneously, Laura realised two things; she was also naked, and the woman three cages along from hers was being fucked hard by a big black African man. As she recovered from the drugs she had been given, she also noticed that a cuff round her left ankle was shackled to a ring-bolt set in the floor by a short length of very solid looking chain. As soon as she could she started to scream at the top of her voice. It hurt her head even more, but it did bring a guard running.When he arrived outside her cage he shouted something at her in a language she did not understand.Immediately she stopped screaming and said clearly and slowly, "I am an American citizen. I demand to see the American Consul immediately. I also want a lawyer and a written statement of the charges.
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