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She looked mature and he had to admit it, sexy.She was wearing a short skirt, not quite a mini but it showed a lot ofleg; and what legs she had: long, well-defined and sheathed in sheerflesh-toned pantyhose. Her blouse was tighter than she would normally beallowed to wear it and her pert breasts pushed at the bodice. The pi?cede r?sistance were the Christian Louboutin high heels she had begged forand been given by her father as her birthday present.Felicity had told her daughter that she would only be allowed to wear theheels and dress this way on rare and very special occasions.Rebecca had just returned from a night out with her friends, coming inright on the midnight curfew. They'd had a family dinner first at anexpensive restaurant and then Michael had given her two hundred dollarsand told her to enjoy herself with her friends but to heed the curfew.Felicity was very tired after the dinner and wanted nothing more than togo to bed. Michael had offered to wait up for their daughter. She looked around quickly, reorienting herself. Movement just off the prow caught her eye. Something splashed into the water. Had they lost someone? She scrambled to the railing and grabbed one of the mounted searchlights. It took her a moment to release the hand-clamp that held it in place so she could aim the beam of light downward. The water was churning and dark. She didn’t see a person, but she could make out the froth of the water where it churned above the reef.The reef? Weren’t they clear of it? Surprise and worry washed over her. They’d been pushed back into the mouth of the reef! Anyone in those waters was doomed. The churning waves would shred them against the coral. Worse, the Kestrel was pinned. The reef was to either side, and the black ship was in front. They couldn’t move or maneuver. Backwards was the only option, and it wasn’t an easy or good one.The black ship rose and loomed again. Danica had just enough time to think that it didn’t seem possible for the derelict.’s got all the steamy content to keep you coming back for more. Stream mp4 porn for some of the best sex scenes you’ve ever seen anywhere online. No matter your urges, has got you covered with mp4 porn porn.


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