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It reminds me of the night Darryl Sittler of the Toronto Maple Leafs scored six goals and four assists for ten points in a game against Boston. Thirty years later, that record still stands,” Jim informed everyone.“Ken Morrison, I believe you have some statistics concerning Brad Hayward and the Falcons?”“Yes, I do. Mark. It is indeed a record-setting night for young Brad Hayward. His three goals in the first period may not be a record, as other players have accomplished that feat, however, it is for a rookie and a rookie in his first CHL game.”“His second hat trick is also a record for rookies. It ties the most goals ever in the OHL of six set by Tony Tanti when Oshawa played Kitchener January 18, 1981, and Colin Miller of the Niagara Falls Thunder against the North Bay Centennials on 13 October 1988.”“Hayward now becomes only the tenth player in the CHL to score six goals in a game, and he still has another period to play. As a further footnote, seven goals in one game had been. It was a creative communal approach, no doubt, with supreme Saiyad communalism.“Allāh Bājî says, she is repenting for she hided her repeatedly when you tried to continue her to fuck her.”, Imāmzadī Sheikħzādī Allāh Al Maimoon explained, “She says, she doubts there was certain Muslim communalism was also involved. Therefore, to win it, to win Muslim communalism, she will make it creative Muslim communalism.”“creative Muslim communalism?” I smiled fucking Imāmzadī Sheikħzādī Allāh Al Maimoon, “And what’s it, my dear! Imāmzadī Sheikħzādī Allāh Al Maimoon ?”“Allāh Bājî defines it to be fucked by you with utmost Muslim communalism, forcing you to fuck her with utmost Hindu communalism, and To suck your entire splendid unique Hindu Penis with utmost Muslim communalism. She says, in this Way, the Muslim communalism will die out ultimately its natural death.” “Vaqār dear!!!!” I saw her with genuine surprise.“Don’t believe me if you don’t want to.” Vaqārunnisā Saiyad winked at me lewdly.
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