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Isabel had been a member of a club called Dark Eden, a bondage and fetish club on the outskirts of Springfield, for a few years. She had brought her new slave to the club for the first time a few weeks earlier, which was when Torrie had discovered that the club’s owner (Mr. X) was also her psychiatrist (Dr. Smythe). Isabel had known for while, but wanted Mr. X to explain the rules. The two of them were not allowed to play any ‘reindeer games’, as that would be a severe breach of ethics on his part. Torrie was literally one of the only submissives in the club that was completely off limits to official personnel, but she didn’t mind. There were other guests, and Isabel wasn’t above letting them have a look at her ‘property.’ The previous week, Dr. Smythe had been forced to cancel an appointment for personal reasons, so he had asked if they could make it up when Isabel had brought her to the club that night. So while her mistress was out mingling, Torrie was undergoing therapy.. She'sjust here for her M.R.S., you know? I bet we have loads in common."She couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. "Really?" Yeah, really. We're both studying journalism after all. That andeveryone hears your accent and thinks one thing, and mine and thinks theopposite."She looked around her room and her heart sank. The plan had been to closeherself off to the world, just to focus on study but already she was sickof the sight of these four walls.Freya smiled. "If you hate it, you can come back. It's only a couple ofblocks away."True to her word, Freya dumped Amanda and her gang as soon as they got tothe party. Esme overheard Amanda talking to some guy in an exaggeratedversion of her accent. 'Northern guys fall for that shit left andright,' she had said, as they walked over. Esme leaned against the wall,watching the other party goers.As the B-school guys began doing Jager-Bombs, Esme all but hid behindFreya. She watched as Freya talked to everyone, not flirting.’s got all the steamy content to keep you coming back for more. Stream Nice Lady, Lovely Boobs, Reasonably Good Body,... mp4 porn for some of the best sex scenes you’ve ever seen anywhere online. No matter your urges, has got you covered with Nice Lady, Lovely Boobs, Reasonably Good Body,... mp4 porn porn.


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