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- - -The Next Morning:I climbed into a car that was bound for Michigan and I tried to convince myself that somehow a life in Michigan would be better than my almost perfect life I had in California. I had friends, I was a star in sports and I had best girlfriend I could ask for. What would Michigan have? Nothing.- - -The Present:Four months had passed since I had left my girlfriend crying in her house as I left to move to Michigan. In the time that I had been in Michigan I had “gotten some” from two different girls and even picked up another steady girlfriend that I “loved”. I guess in a way that is better than I had done in California. But now summer before my Freshman year in high school was officially in session and I had no school for the next eleven weeks, and I had a plane ticket to go back to California for two weeks. I was walking out of the San Diego International Airport when I was greeted by former best friend Brandon and shuttled off to his house (across the street from my. It was an unusually warm evening, so Kim decided against a sweater or wrap. Just her and the silk. I opened the door and we walked out into the sunlight. As soon as she stepped into the sun, I could see that the material of her dress looked even sheerer. I could see the light pink of her nipples contrasted against her pale skin and the faintest hint of her auburn racing stripe. Happy Anniversary indeed.I opened the car door for her and she demurely swung her legs in. Always the lady. By the time I rounded the car and got in, she had pulled her dress out from under her so that she was sitting with her bare ass against the seat. She had a huge grin on her face and I knew that she was feeling frisky.
I quickly pulled out in the street and within five minutes we were on the freeway. I had the sunroof open and the windows down causing a lot of wind in the car. Kim’s dress kept blowing around and periodically would flash a delightful expanse of bare thigh. The top of her dress was very.
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